Bibliography: Episode One

Episode One: Morality, Conflict And Social Politics
Guest Host: Harold Burnett
Date aired: Sept 11th, 2015

The Transparency of Morality 
The Internet leaves no stone unturned. We are moving into a world of ultra surveillance. Once an anonymous landscape, the internet is now a place of ultra visibility to the secret lives of everyone we think we know and love...

                  Courtesy of National Inquirer 

                  Courtesy of National Inquirer 

Conflict on the Internet
The media has always conveyed celebrity, diplomat, human strife but the Internet provides a personal view of human aggression. Does active audience participation change the way society engages in conflict?

Courtesy of

Courtesy of

Politics and Social Media
How many people have you unfollowed on Facebook this political season? Has the internet made way for 3rd party views? Is the political atmosphere more transparent? Do we just want to mash our cats and our future presidents?

                  Courtesy of @Trumpyourcat

                  Courtesy of @Trumpyourcat